Serving our Community
The Foundation is Plymouth Rotary's Charitable Arm. We try to do as much good as possible - in the community and the world. Our Club is serious about its mission to do good in the community and created the 501(c)3 Plymouth Rotary Foundation as a vehicle to do just that. Ein# 59-3841932.
The Foundation is focused on our local work and sponsors Common Man for Ukraine to support its international relief work in Ukraine.
The Foundation is focused on our local work and sponsors Common Man for Ukraine to support its international relief work in Ukraine.
We welcome sponsorships and bequests to the Foundation. These funds are all returned to the community in the form of projects and outreach. Visit our website that describes our charitable work at Plymouth Rotary Foundation.
Support for Local Nonprofits
Plymouth Rotary has a long history of supporting other non-profits within our community. If you want to submit a “Request for Funding” from our Plymouth Rotary Foundation, please download the form here. We review requests at our monthly Board meetings.